The FULGUR is a monophonic electronic instrument of entirely analog design. The Trautonium-inspired synthesizer is controlled by a velocity-sensitive ribbon.
The Fulgur features 2 oscillators, a sub-oscillator, a filter (switchable low-pass or high-pass) and a spring reverb. There are 21 controls to sculpt the sound, allowing you to go from very simple tones to rich, tumultuous timbres.
3 octave ribbon range
Dimensions: 460 x 190 x 230 mm
Made in France
New version of the Fulgur in 2025.
2000€ (without taxes).
- 2400€ TTC for France -
delivery included in France.
To place an order, please contact me directly. Payment is made by bank transfer when the instrument is ready for shipment.
FULGUR is a musical instrument in the tradition of the first electronic instruments of the early 20th century. The Fulgur is strongly inspired by the Trautonium, created almost 100 years ago. The Trautonium is less well known than the Ondes Martenot, which appeared at the same time, even though it is also a highly expressive instrument.
The Fulgur uses the principle of a continuous pressure-sensitive ribbon to produce lively, dynamic sounds, just like a more traditional instrument.
The ribbon can be played over 3 octaves. It is pressure-sensitive. Volume depends on the pressure you apply, and varies according to the sensitivity expressed. You can switch from soft to aggressive tones easily and seamlessly. The dynamic range is wide, as with a more traditional instrument (acoustic or electric).
This ribbon allows a very instinctive approach to playing. It lets you alternate glissandi and vibrato naturally. The sound obtained depends much more on the way you play than on the programming. There's no envelope; it's your playing that varies the volume.
The Fulgur allows you to create sounds that are closer to acoustic instruments, as playing the Fulgur is similar to playing a classical instrument.
The electronic design is simple and to the point. The Fulgur is entirely analog. It features 2 oscillators, a sub-oscillator, a filter and a spring reverb. The filter is modulated by velocity.
The Fulgur is designed to be an easy-to-use instrument, with more emphasis on expressive possibilities than on synthesis.
The Fulgur is an artisanal instrument, made largely by hand. The Fulgur Audio workshop is located in Colombes, near Paris, France. It takes several days to build an instrument.
The inscriptions on the front panel are engraved and in French.
All electronic components on the printed circuit boards are soldered by hand.